Perceptions of students’ on the Use of WhatsApp in Teaching Methods of English as Second Language at the University of Namibia

Nchindo Richardson Mbukusa


Recently, electronic mobile devices have been widely used for attaining knowledge, asking questions and retrieving
information. Mobile devices and their features have been in the glare of publicity for educational purposes. The
WhatsApp application instant messaging platform has become the most popular mobile device application regarded as
one of the teaching and learning styles that facilitate collaborative learning as students are beaming with own
Nowadays, it is challenging to help students raise their interest in learning. Thus WhatsApp presents itself as one of the
inventive teaching methods that can attract students and provide them with opportunities for further learning.
WhatsApp increases helps students to work smarter and more effectively. This research investigates the students’
perceptions towards using the WhatsApp application as a learning tool for Teaching Methods of English as Second
Language on a Bachelor’s degree programme at the University of Namibia. To achieve this, about 99 students in the
same cohort completed the self-administered questionnaires. The study revealed, amongst many, that WhatsApp can
impact negatively on the performance of tertiary students, especially those who do not own smartphones. The
platform shows a variance on balancing online activities (WhatsApp) and academic preparation, and distracts
students from completing their assignments and adhering to their private studies time table. However, students enjoy
using WhatsApp as a tool for learning and calls for institutions to offer internet amenities as a top urgency in
contemporary instruction.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Nchindo Richardson Mbukusa

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

Copyright © Sciedu Press


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