Dimensions of Job satisfaction of Teacher Educators: A Qualitative Study of the Universities of Sindh Province of Pakistan
This research study examines the job satisfaction level and its dimensions of teacher educators-who are working atthe departments, faculties and institutes of education. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted andfield-work observations were recorded on TEs (n = 40), working as lecturers, assistant professors, associateprofessors and professors at their respective universities. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis. Sixthemes were inductively identified: (a) work, assignments and workload; (b) opportunities for advancement, growthand development; (c) financial and fringe benefits; (d) supervisory support, permissions and free hand; (e) workingand sympathetic relationships; and (f) available facilities and working environments. All themes revealed thesignificance and utility of the study and also explained the proper usage of findings for the benefits of organizations,faculties, departments and TEs. This article increases and advances the knowledge by revealing the values ofqualitative research methods generally, and thematic analysis specifically, as a means of disseminating theevidence-based information to its readers and all stakeholders in the concerned paradigm of the job satisfaction ofTEs among the universities of the Sindh province of Pakistan. This article is a suitable, reliable and strong resourcefor the heads of educational organizations, such as universities, institutes, faculties, departments and TEs themselvesto help them to understand the real position and the dimensions of job satisfaction, which they can apply in theirdaily practice to make their professional and personal life easier and more meaningful.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/jct.v5n2p43
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Copyright (c) 2016 Zafarullah Sahito, Pertti Vaisanen

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