Enhancing Teacher Competence in Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners with Disabilities: A Professional Development Intervention

Turky Alshaikhi, Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh


The purpose of this research was to assess the efficacy of a professional development program in enhancing the teaching abilities of educators in Saudi Arabia when it comes to instructing English Language Learners (ELLs) who have impairments. The research specifically targeted the Asir area. Upon completion of pre-test and post-test assessments, we saw substantial improvements in teacher competency, as shown by the outcomes of paired t-tests. The multiple regression analysis revealed that pre-existing competence and educational background were significant predictors of the intervention's performance. Following the completion of correlation and ANCOVA analyses, it was determined that the perceived usefulness of the intervention did not have a statistically significant effect on practical modifications in teaching techniques. This implies that other variables, such as structural obstacles and specific attributes of teachers, have a greater impact. The results emphasize the need of tailoring professional development programs to match the distinct profiles and current abilities of individual teachers, in order to attain optimal performance. The research concluded that instructors must undergo meticulously designed professional development programs to proficiently implement differentiated education. This intervention will enhance the academic achievements of English Language Learners who have impairments.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v15n1p101

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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