The Effectiveness of a Practicum in Education Model: Teaching Practice at the Bahrain Teachers College

Moosa Jaafar Fateel


The current study investigates the effectiveness of the teaching practice programme for pre-service teachers at the Bahrain Teachers College (BTC) using a descriptive approach. A survey was conducted to investigate the perceptions of pre-service teachers at BTC towards the effectiveness of teaching practice in terms of college competencies, supervision, and time. The obtained results indicated that the current teaching practice programs helped the pre-service teachers to develop their teaching skills. The findings suggested that restructuring the teaching practice program depends on the new international best practices in the pre-service teachers training field. The current study provides some practical implications on how to improve the influence of supervision to support pre-service teachers’ experience at the BTC and helping them to acquire the skills and knowledge that the society needs whether in terms of developing education or enhancing the values that go with the developments around the world.

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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