Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Technology in Enhancing Primary School Students' Acquisition of Creative Reading Skills

Rommel Mahmoud AlAli, Ali Ahmad Al-Barakat


The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of augmented reality (AR)-based learning in enhancing creative reading skills among primary school students in English language learning environments, specifically in Syrian refugee schools in northern Jordan. The study employed an AR-based learning guide and a creative reading skills test, both validated for accuracy and reliability. The study conducted with two groups. One as the experimental group using AR and the other, as the control group following conventional methods. The results indicated that the group that took part in the experiment performed better, than the control group in creative reading skills based on average scores achieved by them compared to the control group’s performance. The statistical analysis confirmed that these differences were of significance which implies that Augmented Reality had an impact on enhancing creative reading skills. These results suggest that Augmented Reality can have an improvement on creative reading skills by offering students captivating and interactive materials that aid in improving their understanding and vocabulary. The study proposes the incorporation of Augmented Reality technology in education to enhance the learning process and encourage creativity, among students. However the research had some shortcomings such, as concentrating on schools for refugees in Jordan which could restrict how widely the results apply Also they used only a few evaluation tools and did not look into the lasting effects of AR It would be valuable, for upcoming studies to look into how AR affects various educational settings delve into its enduring impacts and consider what teachers and students think about incorporating AR in teaching The research highlights that even though there are constraints, in the studys findings regarding the potential of Augmented Reality (AR) to boost creative reading skillsand enhance educational achievements.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/jct.v13n5p344


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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email: jct@sciedupress.com

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