Information Competencies of Information Technology Specialists in the Conditions of the Pandemic: The Algorithms of Formation and Features of Development

Oleksandr Bordiuk, Yurii Shpylovyi, Liudmyla Tkachenko, Oleh Khyshchenko, Alyona Yushchenko, Tetiana Slaboshevska


The research has examined scientific developments and systematized practical data in the field of formation and development of information competencies of digital technology specialists in the conditions of the pandemic. This has become the research purpose of the academic paper. Digital transformations in the sphere of economy, management, social relations and production have caused significant changes in the methods and forms of training of specialists in the IT industry, and the research is focused on changes in the methods of organizing the educational process. The specifics of the evolution of teaching philosophy and methodology in the conditions of the pandemic are not gradual transformations, but the urgent need for rapid changes caused by a crisis situation in the conditions of quarantine restrictions. Unexpected changes require quick but qualitative changes. Distance learning technologies turned out to be relevant during the pandemic not only in the educational space of Ukraine; such changes took place in educational systems around the world. In order to study the issues outlined, a complex of bibliosemantic and analytical methods was used in the research.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Oleksandr Bordiuk, Yurii Shpylovyi, Liudmyla Tkachenko, Oleh Khyshchenko, Alyona Yushchenko, Tetiana Slaboshevska

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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