Metaphorical Models of Ophthalmology Terms in Kazakh and English

Bibigul Khassangaliyeva, Sabira Issakova, Assylymay Issakova, Yelena Tyazhina, Dinara Bismildina, Assiya Albekova


The article is devoted to the identification of cognitive mechanisms of metaphor in term coining. The introduction provides an overview of the metaphor study. Scientific works on metaphor in foreign and domestic linguistics are analyzed. The relevance of the research is determined. As the basic hypothesis of the research, it is possible to say the verbal expression of the pragmatic reworked special scientific knowledge, which shows the language of metaphors in Kazakh and English terminology of ophthalmology, the basics of mental activity, professional experience, and linguistic and cultural competence of specialists. The method of component analysis, modeling method, and etymological and statistical methods were used to determine the structural and semantic characteristics of metaphorical units. A syntactic analysis of Kazakh and English metaphor terms of ophthalmology was made, as a result of which two-component metaphor terms prevailed in both languages. Metaphor-terms created by the semantic method are divided into several frames based on the similarity of 1) colour, 2) shape, 3) colour and shape, 4) construction, 5) other features, 6) action, 7) service, and a conclusion was drawn with specific examples. The study of cognitive mechanisms of metaphors in the termsystem of ophthalmology showed that they have universal characteristics and national-cultural features. Natural and anthropomorphic metaphorical models in Kazakh and English termsystems of ophthalmology were determined and proved with concrete examples. It was concluded that the completion of the term system by metaphor-terms is realized as a result of the professional thinking of the terminologist or specialist.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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