Mediation as Intercultural Communication: A Narrative Review
Written mediation is a critical skill that enables individuals from diverse languages and cultures to communicate with each other effectively. Developing written mediation skills is essential in language learning classrooms and is included as a component of the National Foreign Language Exam System (KPG) for advancing harmonious global societies. This narrative review explores written mediation as a form of intercultural communication in English language classroom contexts. The review provides insights into the nature and purpose of written mediation, the role of the mediator, and the competencies needed to fulfill the role with the objective of providing the information for language learning classrooms to develop and instruct written mediation skills effectively. This review goes beyond traditionally held views of mediators as interpreters primarily concerned with linguistic aspects and underscores the close relationship between and the need for a broader conceptualization of mediation that includes both language and culture. In particular, critical cultural awareness is emphasized as a primary driver of effective mediation, underscoring the importance of addressing cultural components within the English language teaching context. English language teachers have a vital role in promoting the development of learners' intercultural competence, ultimately ensuring they are competent mediators equipped to facilitate intercultural encounters.
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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print) ISSN 1925-0711(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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