EFL Parents' Empowerment: Using Supplementary Videos for Engaging EFL Parents with Their Children in Meaningful Speaking Tasks at Home

Amir Abdalla Minalla


The traditional EFL classroom is no longer enough to provide sufficient possibilities for EFL learners' verbal engagement, which has become one of the most challenging for EFL teachers inside classroom settings. This study aims to extend EFL children's oral interactions outside classroom settings by providing their parents with bilingual explainer videos and video materials designed for this purpose. The study uses interviews, pretests, and posttests as tools for data collection, and participants of the control and experimental groups were taught the same content via the traditional method. However, the supplementary videos (explainer videos & video materials) were only used to be shown to the parents of the experimental group's participants. Data analysis revealed that the experimental group’s participants whose parents employed the supplementary videos outperformed much better than the control group's participants whose parents just depended on the students’ books. Hence, bilingual explainer videos and material videos are useful tools for helping EFL parents extend speaking practices with their children at home. The children's spoken performance in several areas of the language has improved dramatically. The participants progress from nodding their heads to delivering two complex phrases. Thus, it suggests designing supplementary videos to serve as a guide for EFL parents to engage in verbal interactive tasks with their children at home.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v15n1p454

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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