Repression of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Through Graphic Narrative in Ian William’s The Bad Doctor (2014)

Luffina L., J. Amalaveenus


Comics is a sequential art that appeals to a diversified audience, a medium of reflection on culture, society, and history. Graphic literature is a discourse of dynamic interaction of graphics in literature, including literary comics, graphic novels, sequential art, juxtaposed images, and other dimensions of visual and printed images. A Graphic novel is the collaborative medium of the interaction of word and image, visual and verbal imagery to create numerous meanings and multiple interpretations. The term Graphic medicine was coined by Ian Williams who is a doctor, comic artist, and writer; He defined Graphic Medicine as the intersection of the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare. Graphic medicine analyzes and interprets the medium of comics which serves as an innovative platform for disturbing, risky, and taboo ideas of illness. Ian Williams’s graphic novel The Bad Doctor (2014) is a verbal and visual illustration of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The protagonist Ian a general practitioner tries to cope with his OCD, his obsessions are comically and satirically represented through the artistic medium of graphic narrative and iconography of illness.  Graphic Narrative of psychological illness like OCD by the sufferer of the illness gives a whole new perspective on the experience of psychological illness. Graphic narrative and iconographic representation of illness break down the traditional stereotypes of illness and give voice to the muted patient whose stories are unheard.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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