Exploring the Efficacy, Attitude, and Challenges of Experiencing the Current EdTech Trends in English Language Learning

Meenakshi Sharma Yadav, Hamood Albatti


This study investigated the usefulness and effectiveness of incorporating and engaging technology in second language learning and the problems encountered by students utilizing modern educational technology tools at Majmaah University. The study used a mixed-methods approach. To assess the preparedness and eagerness of EFL learners to utilize current educational technology (EdTech) in their language learning and to examine the attitudes of EFL learners towards various Ed Tech tools, a Likert questionnaire consisting of seven points, ranging from very frequent to never, is disseminated to students at various academic levels. To determine the attitudes of EFL learners, a questionnaire was prepared, ranging from exceptional to very poor. Furthermore, the research identifies the obstacles faced by EFL students. 75 students from various academic disciplines completed the questionnaire, while a semi-structured interview was conducted with seven students to get their genuine and sincere opinions and ideas. The study primarily examined the implications of technological advances on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Consequently, it was found that EFL learners were entering a new era of digital learning and were undoubtedly benefiting from it, as long as it was not utilized for nonsensical goals. It is essential, however, to tailor the use of Ed Tech tools to the unique learning goals and the level of competence of the learners. Although the study was done on a limited premise, however, the Ed Tech pedagogical implications could be generalized to all EFL learners.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v15n1p275

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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