The Impact of Flipped Classroom Instructional Strategy on 7th Grade Students Reading Comprehension in Jordan: An Empirical Study

Shaima Mokhemer Yahya, Sara Mohammad El-Freihat, Hussein Ali Mohammed Alwama, Rima Asaad Abdul Jawad Abu Omar


The current study investigated the impact of flipped classroom instructional strategy on 7th grade student's reading comprehension in Jordan. A semi-experimental pre-posttest design was used through a sample consisting of (43) female students from the 7th grade selected purposefully. These were randomly assigned into two groups, the experimental group consisted of (23) female students and the control group consisted of (20) female students. The experimental groups were taught through the Flipped Classroom strategy, whereas the control group was taught according to the guidelines and procedures of teaching reading from the teacher's book. The study's results revealed a statistically significant difference between the means scores of students of the experimental and control groups and reading comprehension posttest in favor of the experimental group taught using a flipped classroom. This study may help language students capitalize on simple and interesting technology such as CDs, DVDs, Electronic platforms, and interactive applications for presenting educational materials.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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