Exploring the Potential Challenges Faced by Sudanese EFL Learners in Acquiring English Language Speaking Skills at the Tertiary Educational Level

Elamin Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed


This study aims to investigate the challenges that might face Sudanese EFL learners in acquiring the English language as a means of communication and to emphasize the importance of speaking skills in the English language, in Sudanese English language learners at the postsecondary level. To achieve its objectives, the study adopted the descriptive-analytical method, in which a questionnaire was used to address the research inquiries and goals. A total of 100 employed students participated in responding to the questionnaire. As per the study’s findings, students’ confidence in using speaking skills is very weak; they also lack the motivation to practice speaking skills since they were taught by Grammar Translation Approach which ignores speaking skills, moreover most lecturers prefer to avoid classroom interaction which leads to non-smart fluent EFL learners. This study suggests EFL teachers to consolidate the use communicative activities in a variety of ways which help leaners to play a crucial role in using English inside the classroom.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n6p536

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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