Uncovering the Common Linguistic Errors in Student Journalists’ Unedited News Articles: A Comprehensive Analysis

Marcelina S. Deiparine, Matthew G. Montalla, Remedios C. Bacus


English language learners encounter difficulties in mastering grammar and vocabulary, which can significantly influence their writing skills. This study analyzes the most common writing errors and their linguistic classification in student journalists’ unedited articles; it also utilizes a qualitative-descriptive design and Corder’s Error Analysis Model for data analysis. Ten selected unedited news articles written by student journalists were examined. Findings revealed that the student writers have common linguistic errors: mechanical, morpho-syntactic, and lexico-semantic. The findings imply that student journalists are not exempted from committing linguistic errors that may affect information decoding despite being trained and exposed to writing activities. The findings have broader implications as student journalists may serve as representatives of English language learners in their institution or community. Schools may develop remedial programs to provide ample practice opportunities using interactive, technology-based tools for grammar and vocabulary. English teachers may create instructional materials and develop community extension and outreach programs to address grammatical learning gaps.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n4p131

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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