Sian Heder’s CODA and the Struggle for Artistic Freedom

Irwan Sumarsono, Suprihatien Suprihatien, Perwi Darmajanti, Chatarini Septi Ngudi Lestari, Sri Hardiningsih, Muhammad Guruh Nuary


This study analyzed the relationship between the main character’s artistic freedom and her complex family responsibilities as reflected in Sian Heder’s CODA. The writers focused on analyzing how Ruby, a young musician from a deaf family, handles her inner conflict between gaining her creative ambition and her social expectations and familial responsibilities. The writers analyzed how Ruby resolves the tension she faces and makes decisions and resolutions to pursue her artistic ambition. This study was expected to deepen our understanding of the complexities of balancing creative expression, family, and self-discovery. The writers got the main data from Sian Heder’s CODA, while the supporting data were derived from English literature journals, e-books, and other sources on the internet. The result shows that Ruby manages to handle her inner conflict, make decisions and resolutions to pursue her dream, and make her family believe that what she decides will bring betterment for her and her family.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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