A Study on Understanding the Effectiveness of Audiovisual Aids in Improving English Vocabulary in ESL Classrooms

D Regina, W Christopher Rajasekaran


Vocabulary is essential for comprehension and linguistic development for English language learners. This study used a survey method to identify the effectiveness of vocabulary learning, proper retention, cognitive skills, and technology-based learning in the English language classroom. Thus, the research aims to explore the effectiveness of visual and audio materials in developing vocabulary. The study employed a quantitative approach, and statistical tools were employed for quantitative analysis. The study examines the advantages of audio-visual resources for enhancing vocabulary retention. The participants are tertiary-level students from a reputed university in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu. Around 120 students participated in the survey. A self-designed questionnaire with 10 items was circulated, and data was collected in the Google Form. The results of the data prove the need for audio-visuals in Indian English classrooms, and the students find the audio-visuals interesting and attentive to learning the vocabulary. The Cronbach alpha value of the questionnaire is 0.845; hence, it is concluded that the data is reliable. The survey results show that using multimedia materials in language classrooms will effectively develop English vocabulary among students in Vellore district. Students find it interesting and have an enjoyable learning environment.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v13n8p446

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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