Formation of Lexical Competence in Applicants for Education at Distance Learning (Experience of Foreign Scientists)

Svitlana Lobanova, Oksana Kovalchuk, Olha Melnychuk, Iryna Zabiiaka, Alvina Alyieva, Nataliia Kanonik


The modern peculiarities of the formation of lexical competence in students in distance education are quite acute due to the alternative organization of the scientific process and the possibility of its improvement in modern educational programs. The use of digital technologies in the learning process can be useful from the point of view of forming lexical competence and their further development in the context of strengthening the role of distance education in the modern educational program. The purpose of the article is to study the formation of lexical competence in students in distance learning, as well as the use of effective digital platforms and information technologies that can improve the components of lexical competence, such as terminology, word formation, the ability to build lexical and semantic constructions, etc. The main objective of the study is to analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects of lexical competence development in students in the context of global digitalization. The article focuses on current trends in the development of distance education and its role in the further educational process. The key prospects for development and possible ways to improve the formation of lexical competence of students studying in a distance format are outlined. Useful means of development and features of lexical competence formation are proposed, its theoretical concept is studied and its structural components are characterized. The obtained results of the study can be useful for improving the quality of the educational process in educational institutions and can be used for further development of education in the modern world.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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