Lovelorn Gender and Nature: Revenge of the Scorned in Mahabharata

Praveena T, R.L.N. Raju


Love is the glue that binds every connection on the globe, no matter what species the parties are. In other words, every creature inside the ecosystem, that is, humans, wildlife, vegetation, and plenty more rely on each other for survival based on love and compassion. However, when a person or creature is jilted, they retaliate in their ways. Such actions disturb the harmony of the ecological system and thus make Earth an epitome of chaos and destruction. This study emphasizes the value of love and illustrates retribution as an aspect of devastation brought on by unrequited love by examining and analyzing the characters and narratives in the select text Mahabharata. The canonical text, which is most frequently viewed as a book of conflict over the right to reign is replete with anecdotes about love. This study investigates the lives of scorned and lovelorn gender through the characters Amba, Urvashi, Draupadi, Duryodhana, and Karna from the select text and interprets their rage and ways of retaliation. It also inquires about the abuse of nature to elucidate the fact that all creation on the planet has an intrinsic value and will retaliate when they are scorned through the narratives from the select text. Nevertheless, it gives back love in abundance when treated right and loved unconditionally. The findings from the study will bring out the nature of revenge and elucidate the query if it satisfies the avenger or makes them more miserable.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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