A Study of Saudi Students’ Attitude Towards E-learning Through Blackboard During Covid-19

Abdullah Alshayban


The objective of this study was to study students’ attitudes toward incorporating Blackboard into the teaching of English language learning courses during Covid-19. The sample consisted of 179 non-English-major students from a large Saudi University in Saudi Arabia. The study adhered to a mixed-method approach; for quantitative analysis, a survey was conducted to collect data from students, and interviews were taken to collect qualitative data. The quantitative analysis comprised descriptive statistics and correlations using SPSS. The qualitative data was examined through thematic analysis. The findings revealed that most of the students were satisfied with using Blackboard in English language learning courses during Covid-19. Moreover, most students showed an inclination to enroll in an online course in the future. The findings further revealed that English was taught successfully and effectively at a Saudi University in Saudi Arabia during Covid-19. Students preferred learning from Blackboard as it enabled self-education, learning without temporal barriers, ease of use, and diverse material. The researcher also recommended improvements to enhance Blackboard English language learning: activity diversification, communication with teachers, English language use during classes, and weekly lectures and live broadcasts.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v13n1p263

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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