Sarcastic Utterances in North Country Film as English Teaching Materials

Mulyadi ., Denni Iskandar, Mohd. Fauzi


This aim of the study is to determine sarcastic utterances in North Country film as a teaching material of American Cuture course at the department of English Literature, Lancang Kuning University. This analysis were using pragmatic approach. In collecting data, the researcher used the documentation type, the data were then analyzed through qualitative descriptive technique. The results show that there are three categories of sarcastic uterances found in the film discussed, (1) Propositional sarcasm, where numbers of impolite utterances used by the men workers towards women workers (2) Lexical sarcasm, that there are many positive utterances but have negative effects, and (3) illocutionary sarcasm, where many illocutionary utterances used by the opponents to defeat main character. The sarcastic utterances are used as teaching material in the American culture courseat the English Literature Study Program. The students seem to study with enthusiasm in a pleasant learning atmosphere so that the average learning outcomes they achieved are very satisfying.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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