Suitable Homework Boosts Highschool Learning Effects

Duli Pllana


Highschool homework as an integral part of the study skills benefits students' learning outcomes significantly. Consistency of completing homework contributes to rising scores in any given assignment such as quizzes, regular tests, standardized tests, etc. The purpose of homework aims at different targets and it is designed for specific groups and occasions. Generally, there are four types of homework: a) Practice, b) Preparatory, c) Extension, and d) Integration. On the other hand, there is a great variety of homework with various tasks. The daily length of the high school assignments is within the frame time of ninety minutes to three hours. Too long or too short time consuming on completing the task does not result effectively in positive learning outcomes. The optimal time for completing an assignment resonates with the Aristotle mean, and it provides maximum benefits in learning outcome. Despite the fact of the dispute between education stockholders on benefits of homework, they still agree that homework elevates study skills to a certain degree with regard to the exams or study skills.

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World Journal of Education
ISSN 1925-0746(Print)  ISSN 1925-0754(Online)

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