The Opinions and Self-Assesments of the 7th Grade Students Regarding the Jigsaw I Technique among the Cooperative Learning Practices in the Social Studies Course

Osman Çepni, Sibel Temizbaş Öner


The purpose of the present study was to find out the opinions of the 7th grade students about the cooperative learningpractices applied in the social studies course. The study was carried out for 3 weeks on the 7th grade studentsstudying at Şehit Cihan Yıldız Secondary School in Mamak District of Ankara. In this study where the survey modeland the content analysis were used together, an open-ended semi-structured question form about the cooperativelearning practices and a self-assessment scale were used for data collection. Means, standard deviations, and t-testswere used in the analysis of the quantitative data while content analysis was used in the analysis of the qualitativedata. The participants indicated that thanks to the cooperative learning practices, their interest towards andparticipation in the lessons increased; the lessons became more enjoyable; their bonds of friendship were tightened;and they helped each other so that they could be successful as a group.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Osman Çepni, Sibel Temizbaş Öner

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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