The Use of Virtual Reality in Art Education in Ukraine: A Study of the Impact on the Creative Process and Students' Perception

Oksana Lahoda, Oleksandr Soboliev, Maryna Tokar, Tetiana Ivanenko, Viktoriia Budiak


Purpose: The study aims to explore the role and application of virtual reality in art education in Ukraine, to analyse the impact of this technology on the creative process of students pursuing higher education in the field of fabric and clothing design. The aim is also to provide a brief overview of the principles of modern art education in Ukraine and to highlight the role of virtual reality in education, including design, based on empirical research. Methodology: The study involved 37 students studying at the Department of Textile and Clothing Design, who are studying certain disciplines in the Conceptual Design programme. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained was used, including statistical analysis in characterising the frequency of use of virtual reality technologies and qualitative thematic analysis of interviews. Results: The study indicates the active use of virtual reality in art education in Ukraine, in particular, it highlights that 86.5% of students consider the impact of virtual reality on their creative process to be positive, and 89.2% believe that it improves their conceptual design skills. The study also revealed the benefits and challenges of using artificial intelligence and virtual reality in art education. The conclusions emphasise that modern Ukrainian art education actively takes into account technological trends, using new digital learning solutions. The results show a positive impact of virtual reality on the creative process and conceptual design skills of students. However, the use of artificial intelligence and virtual reality raises ethical and technical challenges that need to be carefully addressed for maximum benefit and harmony with the artistic process.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Oksana Lahoda, Oleksandr Soboliev, Maryna Tokar, Tetiana Ivanenko, Viktoriia Budiak

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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