Towards Inclusive Education: Parental Perspectives on Autism Inclusion in Schools in Morocco

O. Hassib, T. Bouzekri, A. Benabid


School inclusion for autistic children in Morocco is a crucial issue for ensuring educational equity. Despite the efforts made in recent years in the field of autism, many challenges remain. The aim of this study is to investigate the educational experiences of parents of children with autism in Moroccan schools. It focuses specifically on parents of autistic children attending school in the two regions: Casablanca-Settat and Rabat-salé-kenitra, with a view to adapting educational programs to promote better social integration in more inclusive school environments. This study adopts a mixed-methods research approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods, including semi-structured interviews with parents of autistic children, questionnaires to assess their satisfaction, and direct observations of children in the school context, aiming to provide an in-depth understanding of school inclusion for autistic children in Morocco. The results indicate a significant demand for adapting teaching methods for autistic children, as well as increased communication with the teaching team and better social integration. In addition, the level of acceptance of autism in Moroccan society is generally considered to be average or low, underlining the need for better care for autistic children. It is recommended that autism awareness programs be strengthened in schools to promote better understanding and acceptance within the educational community.

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Copyright (c) 2024 O. Hassib, T. Bouzekri, A. Benabid

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Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online)  Email:

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