Speaking Anxiety Level of Gaza EFL Pre-service Teachers: Reasons and Sources

Enas Abdullah Hammad, Etaf Mahmoud Abu Ghali


Though speaking is perceived to be the most anxiety-provoking element of foreign and second language (FL, L2)education (Marzec-Stawrarska, 2015),very limited research has been conducted on this issue in the PalestinianEnglish as a foreign Language (EFL) context. The present study's purpose was identifying Gaza EFL pre-serviceteachers' speaking anxiety level and the reasons behind such anxiety. For achieving the study purposes, 279 studentswere asked to respond to a closed-question questionnaire, 61 students completed an open-question questionnaire, andsix EFL instructors were interviewed in this study. Analyzing the data, results showed that Gaza EFL pre-serviceteachers' speaking anxiety level was high, and the potential sources for such anxiety included teachers' inappropriateprocedures, students’ inability to use only-English in English classes, students' fear of negative evaluation, andstudents' sensitivity to teachers' correcting comments. Finally, the study presented some relevant suggestions andimplications for reducing Gaza EFL pre-service teachers' speaking anxiety.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v5n3p52

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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