An Evaluation Study on the 1st-Grade Junior High Schools’ English Textbook in the Light of Multiple Intelligence Theory

Elham Kia-Ahmadi, Ali Arabmofrad


The present study aimed to explore the level of Gardner’s (1993) multiple intelligences theory in the 1st- gradejunior high school textbook “Prospect 1”. To this end, 135 Iranian learners of 1st-grade junior high schools wereassigned from public, private, and gifted schools in three different cities in Iran. The data was collected through a50-item multiple intelligence checklist extracted from Bottelho’s (2003) multiple intelligence evaluation checklist inorder to count the catered-for types of intelligences in the textbook. In order to analyze the data, the descriptivestatistic was used. It was found that the book intelligence profile is predominantly composed of two intelligences:verbal/linguistic and visual/spatial intelligences. However, the less common intelligences were musical andnaturalistic intelligences.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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