An Integrated Automatic Platform for English Majors’ Graduation Thesis
Ping Tang, Zhenglun Chen, Xingxian Luo
Despite the issues of Chinese undergraduate English majors’ thesis writing, its necessity and potential benefits justifyreform instead of abolition. This paper explains an integrated automatic platform for teaching and tutoringundergraduate English majors to plan, write, and defend their required graduation theses. It is suggested to bedesigned under the principles of assistance, independence, transparency, participation, and collaboration.Considering the existing obstacles to thesis writing, the following features should be ensured by technology:integration, automaticity, a reliable supporting tool, services and a community network for any relevant informationsharing. By tapping local community and world-wide community resources, the platform can expand opportunitiesfor all parties involved and realize the purposes of improving thesis quality, increasing students’ English proficiencyand fostering their lifelong learning ability.
World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print) ISSN 1925-0711(Online)
Copyright © Sciedu Press
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