Pre-Service English Language Teachers' Training to Work in Inclusive Educational Environment

Saltanat Jangeldinova, Gulnaz Tleuzhanova, Zhanar Eskazinova


The article examines aspects of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the degree of English language teachers’ readiness to work with children with special educational needs (SEN) particularly with behavioral disorders or difficulties or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children (ADHD). English is considered as a second foreign language (ESL) as it is studied in all the schools over Kazakhstan and thus more attention is paid to the teachers’ readiness in the educational process. The article pays special attention to the consideration of the theoretical prerequisites for ensuring the formation of an ESL teacher’s readiness to work with children with SEN in the school education system identifying the organizational and pedagogical conditions for ensuring the formation of a foreign language teacher’s readiness to work with children with ADHD syndrome in the school education system , development of a system for organizing the process of ensuring the formation of a pre-service ESL teacher’s readiness to work with children with ADHD syndrome in the school education system. The article provides a comparative analysis of the inclusive education system in Kazakhstan and provides recommendations for solving problems related to the training of pre-service ESL teachers to work with children with special education needs particularly with behavioral disorders or difficulties (corresponds to diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome and other behavioral disorders, including those caused by socio-psychological factors).

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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