E-Learning as a Platform to Enhance the Speaking Skill of Rural Women Visually Challenged Students– An Experimental Study

R. Shruthi, A. Manikandan, Sathya Thangavel, G. Sankar, Mariappan. B, Ramesh Manickam


In rural government colleges, there are a lot of issues faced by the teachers and the students in the teaching and learning process like infrastructure, materials, usage of technology, implementation of innovative methods, etc. Visually challenged learners need exposure to learning through technology and need to discern the value of the effective learning process through innovative methodologies, especially rural women visually challenged learners. They possess higher concentration levels when compared to the other students. Providing them E-learning platform to enhance their learning process and to acquire language skills is considered an effective and constructive mode of learning. The study aims to design an E-learning module for rural women visually challenged learners and to provide a platform for the learners to acquire language skills rather than learning. The sample of the study is rural women visually challenged learners from various rural Government colleges in Erode and Karur District, Tamilnadu, India. The methodology of the study is analyzing the needs of the learners, designing an e-learning module based on their needs, conducting pre-tests, implementing of e-learning module, and conducting post-tests. Hence the study focuses on enhancing the speaking skills of rural women visually challenged learners through an E-learning platform.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n6p445

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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