Multi-Word Verbs vs. One-Word Verb Construction: Between Avoidance and Preference in EFL Learning Contexts

Amir Abdalla Minalla


Although English allows for both one-word and multi-word verbs, past research has shown that EFL students commonly struggle with, and even avoid, multi-word verbs. This study aims at examining the influence of utilizing contextualized authentic materials via reading activities on EFL intermediate learners' attitudes towards avoiding and preferring using MWV (multi-word verbs, also known as phrasal verbs (PV)) or one-word verbs. The study used both experimental and descriptive methods, and data was collected via pre- and post-tests. MWVs are introduced through reading activities to two learning groups: group A represents the experimental group, and group B acts as the control group. MWVs were introduced to the participants of group A via contextualized authentic materials (texts, pictures, and cartoons) and to group B through non-authentic contextualized reading texts. The analyzed data has shown that the attitudes of group A’s participants improve towards using some MWVs' types on many occasions rather than utilizing their counterparts of one-word verbs. For example, they prefer using transparent and semi-transparent prepositional PVs as well as transparent adverbial PVs. On the other hand, the findings have shown that the participants avoid using non-transparent PVs regardless of their constructions (prepositional PVs, adverbial PVs, or phrasal prepositional verbs). In addition, they avoid using adverbial PVs of the semi-transparent PV’s types. Hence, contextualized authentic material via reading activities is a more effective strategy for enhancing EFL learners' attitudes towards preferring using MWVs rather than their counterparts of one-word verbs, specifically the transparent prepositional and adverbial of PV’s types.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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