High-Tech Innovations in English Language Teaching: Investigating the Role of Digital Solutions in Saudi EFL Context

Ansa Hameed


As modern technology continues to advance, language teaching has also embraced the integration of high-tech innovations and solutions. The performance of the students is positively impacted by these new digital learning methods. However, since technology keeps evolving, it is imperative to monitor the use of modern digital solutions in educational settings. In line, it has become increasingly important to delve into the effects of digital applications, platforms, and tools on language learning and teaching practices. The present study aims to probe the role of digital solutions in ELT pedagogy within the context of Saudi Arabia. For this purpose, this study aims to examine the perceptions of teachers and learners regarding the efficacy of digital solutions for the improvement of language competence and performance along with the challenges faced during the process. The research utilizes a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both surveys and interviews as data collection instruments, involving a sample population comprised of 417 students and 10 teachers. The findings reveal that students are quite enthusiastic about the use of digital applications, resources, and technology in the EFL classrooms; however, they have also exposed the lack of usage of the latest trends in technology in the learning environments. Moreover, the teachers also show a positive attitude toward the integration of high-tech solutions in the pedagogy for a better and improved learning and teaching experience. However, they also express a certain degree of unease over their level of technology apprehension, cost-related issues, and the long-term viability of digital solutions in the educational landscape. The study suggests that digital solutions have the potential to bridge the gap in access to quality education, predominantly in far-off areas or for people with limited resources. Considering the role of digital solutions in ELT can certify that educational opportunities are more reachable and inclusive for all Saudi learners, irrespective of their geographic location or socio-economic background. Thus, relevant stakeholders have to take certain initiatives to fill the gaps.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n2p518

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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