Using Two-Way Immersion Program in Teaching English in Kazakhstan: Teachers’ View

Aida Ospanova, Zhetpisbayeva Bakhytgul, Nursulu Buketova, Ainur Shaimerdenova


The Program of Two-way immersion is a form of integration students from two different groups and contemporary studying of two languages and subjects on these languages. The method as a method was appeared in Canada in the early 1960s. The program of TWI adherence to the following criteria: 1. The number of students is the same in two group; 2) groups gathered into one group according to the main subjects; 3) all main subjects are taught in two languages simultaneously.  Two types of TWI program: 50\50; 90\10. This qualitative study aims to examine teachers’ views on the implementation the bilingual program into educational process of Kazakhstan. The literature review showed that Two-way immersion program is one of the innovative methods within the trilingual education of Kazakhstan, that not sufficiently studied and approved. It was hypothesized that TWI program makes an effect on trilingualism of Kazakhstan.  For checking the awareness of this program, it was conducted an experimental work in Karaganda Buketov University, Kazakhstan. (103 teachers from the faculty of foreign languages, within five departments: Department of foreign philology; Foreign languages department; Department of translation theory and practice; Department of the theory and practice of foreign language training; Department of the practical foreign language course)

The results demonstrate that this program is not sufficiently studied, becomes relevant in the educational process and informative, as well as to create the necessary methodological recommendations.  The usage of TWI program improves the system of bilingual education in Kazakhstan, expands the level of professional readiness of teachers and students, develops high levels of academic competence and motivation.    

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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