Teaching Practicum: Does It Impact to Pre-service EFL Teachers’ Language Assessment Literacy?

Entika Fani Prastikawati, Yan Mujiyanto, Mursid Saleh, Sri Wuli Fitriati


The current study aimed to dig into two issues on the development of language assessment literacy among pre-service EFL teachers after they accomplished a six-week teaching practicum. Forty-two (42) pre-service EFL teachers from the English department took part in this study on a voluntary basis. The participants consisted of sixth semester students who were enrolled in a 6-week teaching practicum program at state and private senior high schools in Semarang, Indonesia. By utilizing mixed-method design, this present study used a closed-questionnaire, focused-group interview, and semi-structured individual interview to collect the data. The findings of this study reveal that pre-service EFL teachers possess an insufficient level of language assessment literacy prior to their teaching practicum. Upon completion of their six-week teaching practicum, their language assessment literacy level is elevated to a moderate level. Additionally, this study emphasizes the significant impact of a six-week teaching practicum on the pre-service EFL teachers’ development of language assessment literacy. This includes enhancing their knowledge, skills, and fundamental principles in the field of language assessment. The teaching practicum bridges the gap between student teaching and full-fledged teacher certification by exposing pre-service EFL teachers to classroom management and allowing them to develop into their roles as teachers and assessors.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n3p242

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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