The Effect of Multi-Media Usage in Cognitive Demands for Teaching EFL among Jordanian Secondary School Learners

Soleman Alzobidy, Maha Jamal Al-qadi, Saleh Belgacem Belhassen, Issa Mohammad Muflih Naser, Shahab Ahmad Al Maaytah


The role of teaching methods in EFL context is too essential and it should receive a continuous improvement due to time, environment and need changes. Several studies have examined whether certain methods improve and develop teaching process. However, cognitive demands for teaching EFL focusing on planning and critical thinking among students need further attention and focus. Accordingly, this study is aimed at investigating the effect of multi-media usage in cognitive demands for teaching EFL among Jordanian secondary school learners. This study adopted quantitative research design by distributing a questionnaire. The target population was EFL teachers at public and private secondary school. The findings indicated that multimedia (YouTube, Video, Picture, and PowerPoint) enhance cognitive demands of for teaching EFL. Multimedia more specifically, allow students to improve critical thinking and plans well when learning EFL. The study concluded that pictures help in enhancing critical thinking and planning of EFL learners as well as multimedia provide an opportunity that allow these learners to think out of the box and plan their lessons and topic effectively.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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