Do They Mind Their Ps and Qs: Politeness Strategies in the Movie, Joy

S. Moorthi, Jayashree Premkumar Shet, D. Solomon Paul Raj, S. Henry Kishore, M. Natarajan, Christy Paulina


This study was an interpersonal communication study on the politeness methods used by the main characters in the film Joy in the setting mostly of a family cum workplace communication. The purpose of this study was to describe the major characters' politeness tactics. The data for this descriptive qualitative study, the dialogues uttered by all of the movie's principal characters, were scrutinized using Brown and Levinson's (1987) paradigm. The investigation studied how the characters used politeness strategies such as positive politeness, Bald-on -Record, negative politeness and off-record techniques in their utterances. The data came from the script of Joy, and it was identified that 833 politeness strategies were employed. Bald on Record (8%), Positive Politeness (51%), Negative Politeness (35%), and Off Record (6%). The findings revealed that positive politeness strategies were the most frequently used in this film. The results indicated that the main characters had a tendency to use positive politeness to show their respect and also to maintain a harmonious relationship in the family and workplace.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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