Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research and Its Relevance to Classroom Practices

Sami Ali Nasr Al-wossabi


Instructed SLA research has gained considerable attention due to the widespread interest in the role of instruction in language development. This study critically reviews several influential SLA studies on classroom instruction in second language learning. The aim is to assist teachers in delivering well-informed and relevant instruction to L2 learners to enable them to meet their language learning expectations and participate in real-world practices. The paper examines the focus on form and meaning-based instructions as the most common approaches utilized in language learning settings. It critically evaluates several SLA research findings on L2 classroom instruction and interprets their data using comparisons, assessments, and descriptions. Based on these interpretations, the paper ends with a discussion of pedagogical implications for teaching second language learners, taking into account the learning mechanisms employed by learners, and how teachers, via effective instructions, can use these mechanisms to facilitate successful L2 learning.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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