Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation to Teaching Effectiveness: A Study at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh

Md. Masud Rana, Amina Rashid, Farjana Ferdous, Lutfor Rahman Bhuiyan


Teacher motivation is an essential element to teaching effectiveness in any context. In Bangladesh, teacher motivation at the tertiary level also plays a pivotal role and is considered one of the key determinants in the teaching and learning process. Unfortunately, teacher's motivation has not received much attention from educational researchers or policymakers yet. This study investigates the external factors affecting teacher motivation more specifically teacher in-service motivation to teaching effectiveness at the tertiary level in Bangladsh. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods have been employed as the main techniques to gather information for the study. To collect data, a 12-item questionnaire survey content, and One-on-One interviews were applied. A total of 52 academics teaching undergraduates and postgraduates participated in the questionnaire survey and 7 teachers were interviewed in the study. After analyzing the data, the study finds several factors tremendously affecting teachers' motivation and eventually teachers' performance and effectiveness. It also reveals that good pay or salary, job security, opportunity of systematic academic promotion and up-gradation, less workload and stress, adequate teacher education and professional development, and congenial local and central administrative policy prompt teachers to be more professional and committed to teaching and learning procedures. Conversely, low pay, job insecurity, lack of professional development and promotion, overwork and stress and failure to maintain a professional environment directly demotivate teachers to be committed and effective to teaching. Therefore, teacher's in-service motivation needs to be addressed properly as it is found as one of the most crucial factors that determines the teacher's role to teaching effectiveness at the tertiary level of education in Bangladesh.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n1p80

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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