Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary Mastery by Indonesian EFL Learners

Alfan Zuhairi, Junaidi Mistar


This research aimed at unpacking the types of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS), the intensity of use, and their relationship with vocabulary mastery of Indonesian EFL learners. As many as 180 English education department students from three universities in East Java, Indonesia, participated in the study. They were assigned to fill in a 50-item vocabulary learning strategy inventory and a 50-item vocabulary mastery test. The data were analyzed using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to discern the categories of vocabulary learning strategies. In addition, descriptive and correlational analyses were also employed. The study revealed six categories of vocabulary learning strategies, including cognitive, metacognitive, determination, memory, encoding, and activation strategies, showcasing 63.5% of vocabulary learning strategy variances. In general, the students applied vocabulary learning strategies at a moderate level, with metacognitive and encoding strategies being used the most and cognitive strategies being used the least. The study also unpacked that the six categories of strategies were significant predictors of vocabulary mastery (F=4.391, p<.000), with metacognitive strategies being the best predictor. These findings suggest that overt training on how to make use of vocabulary learning strategies is required for Indonesian EFL learners.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v13n8p453

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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