Exploring the Eco-Psychological Impact of Hyper-Technologized Environments and Ecological Destruction in Anil Menon’s The Beast with Nine Billion Feet

Senthamizh Inmozhi, Sushant Kishore


This paper delves into the intricate relationship between human beings and Earth's ecosystems, emphasising their mutualistic reliance on survival. However, contemporary challenges, characterised by excessive resource exploitation and the rise of hyper technologized environments, have resulted in a significant disconnect between humans and nature. This disconnection has precipitated various psychological issues and severed vital bonds between individuals, obstructing adherence to fundamental humanistic principles. Focusing on Anil Menon's book, The Beast with Nine Billion Feet, this paper operates within the framework of eco-psychology, utilising Richard Louv's concept of Nature Deficit Disorder to investigate the widening chasm between humans and nature. Ethical dilemmas, especially concerning the impact of AI and synthetic life forms, have also been explored in this context. The research objective was to unravel the unintended eco-psychological consequences resulting from excessive resource exploitation and an overemphasis on artificial environments. Employing a narrative method, this paper analyses plots, characters, and situations to illustrate this eco-psychological crisis. The main findings underscore Menon's portrayal of characters, showcasing innate human instinct to forge a profound connection with nature. Those residing in proximity to nature lead fulfilling lives, whereas individuals isolated from the environment exhibit varying degrees of Nature Deficit Disorder, compelling them to seek solace in nature.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v14n1p9

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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