The Impacts of Blended Learning on English Education in Higher Education

Yahya Hayati Nassar, Adulrahman Al-Motrif, Shahla Abuzahra, Ibtehal Mahmoud Aburezeq, Fawzi Fayez Dweikat, Ghada Mohammad, Mamdouh Mosaad Helali, Anabella Rizal Gimeno, Saddam Rateb Darawsheh


The research examines the effects of blended learning (BL) on English education in Saudi Arabian higher education and its potential future developments in the context of increasing integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The study emphasizes the importance of measuring students' actual outcomes, access to learning opportunities, and views of those outcomes when evaluating the effectiveness of English education. The authors compare minority retention and graduation statistics in traditional English classes and BL English courses and present a set of consistent principles for measuring progress in English language acquisition and development, regardless of course format or final grade. The study suggests that BL has the potential to enhance accessibility, personalization, and active learning in English education, especially in a post-pandemic "new normal" where technology is increasingly used and diverse language learners need to be accommodated. The authors argue that BL's development will be closely tied to advances in ICTs that model language learning and cognition aspects. The research provides valuable insights into BL's impact on English learning, teaching, and development in higher education, useful for educators, researchers, language experts, and policymakers shaping the future of English education in Saudi Arabia.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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