Perceived Motivational Effects of Mobile Learning Technique to Higher Education Students: An Exploratory Study

Juan Carlos Mamani Chambi, Julio Armando Donayre Vega, Karl Vladimir Mena Farfán, Bernardo Cespedes Panduro, Yony Abelardo Quispe Mamani, Wilder Bustamante Hoces, Charmaine Pableo Antecristo, Johnry Pocong Dayupay


This article aims to examine how adopting the M-Learning technique affects students' intrinsic motivation and ability to learn new material. All in all, 283 higher education students of the University of Education. Twice they were evaluated to see how they fared. Ten multiple-choice questions were utilized for the evaluation, all of which were administered using the Socrative mobile apps. An evaluation form was utilized to get students' feedback on the experiment. According to responses from respondents all of the University of Education, M-Learning creates a more positive classroom atmosphere (71 percent), boosts attendance rates (80 percent), and aids in the retention of material studied (72 percent). All groups' aggregate performance improved as they used the app more often (initial-final evaluation: 5.8 vs. 7.2 points). The results imply that the M-Learning approach is a valuable instrument for enhancing the teaching-learning process and is helpful in the academic setting as a facilitator of knowledge absorption.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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