Multicultural Education in English Language Teaching: A Study of Paradigms, Perceptions, and Implementation Strategies

Fahri Haswani, Baharuddin Baharuddin, Naeklan Simbolon


This study aims to investigate multicultural education in English language teaching: a study of paradigms, perceptions, and implementation strategies in Indonesia. The mix-method approach was used in this research. Respondents in this study were English teachers and students from three Junior High Schools (SMP) in Indonesia. The quantitative data were collected through Questionnaire, and Qualitative data were collected through interviews. The results showed that teaching English has a positive influence on multicultural education. Multicultural learning implementation strategies have a significant positive effect on English Language Teaching. The paradigm of Multicultural Education has a positive influence on multicultural education. The multicultural education paradigm has a positive influence on the teaching of English. The multicultural learning implementation strategy (x3) has no significant positive effect on multicultural education. Teacher & Student Perception (X2) significantly positively affects English Teaching. Teacher & Student Perception (X2) has no significant positive effect on Multicultural Education. English Teaching can mediate the influence of the Multicultural education Paradigm on Multicultural Education. English Teaching can mediate the influence of Multicultural Learning Implementation Strategy on Multicultural Education. English Teaching can mediate the influence of Teacher & Student Perception on Multicultural Education.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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