Designing Model for Oral Presentation Instruction in Indonesian Tertiary Context

Dzul Rachman, Margana Margana, Priyanto Priyanto, Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti


The purpose of oral presentations is to prepare students with the necessary skills for the professional environment. However, it has been observed that the courses offered by universities in East Kalimantan, Indonesia are designed in general English, which may not cater to the specific needs of the learners. This research is intended to determine the optimal oral presentation; however, this study is required to analyze the demands and appropriate model of oral presentation education in tertiary context. Data was gathered through questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire results show that students need more opportunities to practice logical arguments, pronunciation, collaboration, and regular use of mobile learning to improve their understanding and attitude towards it. Instructors recognize the importance of peer projects and mobile learning in facilitating discussions and sharing among learners and instructors, as it enhances their learning experience. They revealed that online mobile applications such as editing online documents and instant messaging can help to do great collaboration in preparation and implementation phase. According to the result of the need analysis, the authors propose Mobile Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning (MCOP). It is an oral presentation learning model that emphasizes the importance of utilizing collaboration and technology aspects in learning. The development of the instructional model will provide teachers with a concise and transparent path for teaching oral presentations using mobile technology. This model offers students opportunities to develop their oral presentation skills. The students will have transformational experiences for both their personal and social development.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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