WhatsApp as a Supporter Tool in Language Learning: A Study of Saudi EFL Learners’ Perceptions

Mohammad Yahya Ali Bani Salameh


Technology has literally become inseparable from modern day living as it always stays with us in all places and times. Therefore, prudence demands that teachers too, make positive use of it for language learning/teaching. This study compares the impact of WhatsApp based learning activities (WBLA) with conventional activities on boosting the four language skills of Saudi EFL students. The study also investigates Saudi EFL students' perceptions on using WBLA as a tool of English language learning, motivation and autonomy. A close-ended questionnaire was developed to collect data from 100 Saudi EFL undergraduate students at Duba, University of Tabuk, the subjects of this study. The investigation showed that WBLA has a positive impact on shaping the Saudi EFL undergraduates’ perceptions to language learning. Moreover, results indicate that male learners outperformed females in all the four skills. The study, therefore, concludes that WBLA should be integrated in all EFL classes. This study establishes that novel use of technology offers effective assistance in the language classroom.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v13n3p104

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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