Facilitation Techniques in Teaching ESP Online: Postpandemic Solutions for Law-Enforcement Officers Training

Andrii Balendr, Oksana Komarnytska, Oleksandr Didenko, Svitlana Kalaur, Olha Soroka, Andrii Biliavets, Olha Khamaziuk


The article considers the effectiveness of teaching English for Specific Purposes online to future border guard officers during their study at the Border Guard Academy. The article considers ways to enhance the border guards’ foreign language training, which is partly conducted online due to the quarantine restrictions and ongoing war initiated by russia. The study covered the experience of organization of facilitation skills development for the teachers and trainers in European Union border guard educational institutions. The authors consider facilitative methods and tools as effective means for teaching future border guards English language online. The facilitative skills acquired by border guard teachers and trainers were tested during ESP Course for border guards at the Ukrainian Border Guard Academy. Analysis of the results of employing facilitation methods and techniques during “Intensive Online English Language Course for Border Guards” proved effectiveness of the conducted online training course and indicates the feasibility of using facilitative methods and techniques within the online training courses for the personnel of the law-enforcement agencies. Comparison of the obtained results (the placement and final assessment) proves the effectiveness of foreign language communicative skills development of the course participants. Therefore, the obtained results testify to the efficiency of utilizing the facilitation techniques by the teachers and trainers of the border guard academy.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v13n5p60

World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

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