Instantaneous Errors and Body Gestures in Some American Political Contexts

Mohammad Awad Al-Dawoody Abdulaal, Abubaker Suleiman Abdelmajid Yousif, Amr Nour El-Din Hassan, Said El-Sayed Ahmed Saleh


The purpose of this research study is to give a psycholinguistic investigation of some of Trump's smiles, zone distances, handshaking styles, and speech errors. It is carried out under the framework of contextual congruence, which states that what speakers say, and their body movements should be compatible. To create a personal sketch for Trump, 73 short movies and 119 pictures were meticulously scrutinized. 81.4% of images and more than 65.3% of videos indicated phony grins provided to specific people, including Michael Flynn, Mike Pence, and John Kelly. Trump's genuine smile was only noticed when he was with one of his family members, particularly his daughter. With the exception of Nancy Pelosi, the results also suggested that Trump tended to breach his political foes’ intimate zones as a form of nonverbal political counterattack. The results also revealed that Trump's recursive handshake style was a double-handed handshake. He employed this method to demonstrate the sincerity of affection toward the recipient. He regularly gave this handshaking approach to various Asian politicians, who felt irritated by it, since Trump used to perform this handshaking in 30 seconds. Donald used all of his body language and facial clues to control not only his adversaries but also his allies and his speech errors reflected the same facts.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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