Fighting the Plight of Hierarchal Dominance through Budhan: A Play by Denotified Chharas

Agnisri. S, S. V. Karthiga


The social structure of every nation is primarily built upon the hierarchal basis under the classification of specific criteria on either ground of earning, job, place, lifestyle etc. It is unavoidable to accept that the social structure rolls along with the time making people from every level of the hierarchal pyramid to cross their boundaries breaking the stereotypes to induce themselves from the holding back position of stag to push them through possible uplift, especially every community that has some or other upon to command them for. Colonial times across the world made this preexisting hierarchal variation more predominant with oriental touch of brutal approach, leaving back its severe imprints even after their retirement. India is not exception from the form and one such brutality left back is the life imposed on Denotified Communities of India through law. This paper attempts to probe through the social psyche of hierarchy with reference to Budhan: A Play by Denotified, serving dual contribution to the social norms and role of art in it.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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