Literature Enhances Communication Skills: A Comprehensive Review

Meenakshi Sharma, Manita Devi, Rajesh Dangoria, Vibhor Jain


Many non-native and native speakers all around the world have proven that English is an international language. It is sometimes referred to as the global language since it is the primary means of communication across countries. In our nation, the usage of English as a common language plays an essential role in education. English learners must place a strong emphasis on the use of communication. The ultimate goal of language instruction is to improve communication skills. Pragmatics is the method in which meaning is transferred through communicating, and linguistic skill is regarded as an instrument for communication. Pragmatic competence is the capacity to comprehend and communicate meanings that are more correct and acceptable for the cultural and social contexts in which communication takes place. Even though English is used at many levels of communication, the speakers must be familiar with a variety of pragmatic components to create coherency and the capacity to react in a variety of scenarios. As a result, one of the key aims in the field of education should be the development of pragmatic ability and also help for future understanding.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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