Importance of Critical Thinking in the Education

Tilak Raj, Prashant Chauhan, Rashmi Mehrotra, Meenakshi Sharma


The capacity to think clearly and reasonably about what to do or believe is known as critical thinking. It also requires the capacity to think critically and independently. Students engage in critical thinking when they investigate, appraise, interpret, or synthesize information and use creative thought to construct an argument, solve problems, or reach a conclusion in the most basic sense. One of the most fundamental purposes of educations is to produce well-informed students, which implies that students must be able to grasp significant, useful, beautiful, as well as powerful ideas. A critical thinker understands how to use knowledge to solve difficulties and classify acceptable sources of information to educate himself, and he can make conclusions from what he knows. This research looked at the role of critical thinking in educations, as well as the forms, stages, and importance of critical thinking. This research aids in a greater understanding of critical thinking in the educational system and how critical thinking may be used in the educational systems to benefit students.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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