Integrating Mathematics Education with Technology

Mridula Purohit, Vipin Kumar, Vipin Kumar Solanki, Vinod Kumar


Technology, as well as the educational system, has evolved fast in recent decades. Today's demand is for practical as well as modern-oriented mathematics education. In today's world, modern and realistic mathematics education is critical in every country. The value of technology-based mathematics education has increased, signifying a fundamental shift in how mathematics education is seen today. Mathematics education will be simplified if students can access a virtual math classroom over the internet. As a result of the development of computer media, educators, students, and scientists are presented with a challenge: Theoretical frameworks are used in innovation studies in the field of teaching mathematics, but this research focuses on what such theoretical perspectives have to offer. The author's mathematical team's main goal is to create exercises that will enable communication. In addition, they should use technology to improve and broaden their pupils' math skills. This article discusses the approach for generating and employing chemicals for such an objective.

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World Journal of English Language
ISSN 1925-0703(Print)  ISSN 1925-0711(Online)

Copyright © Sciedu Press

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